See the future of clinical research at the ACRP 2017 Meeting & Expo, April 28-May 2, 2017, in Seattle, Wa.
Joy Frestedt, President and CEO, Frestedt Incorporated will present How well do you meet the obligation to detail the potential risks and benefits associated with your research? Do you effectively document the probability, magnitude and potential harms associated with each risk? Find out in this informative session. Review several forms of clinical risk-benefit analysis for drugs, devices, foods and other products; risk-benefit assessments related to clinical evaluations of safety and patient risk; the performance of informed consent delivery; and the development of new information for investigator brochures. Gain fresh insight into FDA Warning Letters for clinical trial activities that increase risk to patients and compromise data integrity., from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM at ACRP 2017 Meeting & Expo.